What is your title- Choose something that reflects your engineering goal.

Making a Security Camera using a Raspberry pi

What is your Engineering Problem-What problem are you trying to solve?

Our dog can sometimes get into trouble at home and we want to keep tabs on him.

Engineering goal- what you are trying to produce.

A video camera that we can monitor from our phones

Write a problem statement that follows this format guideline: Who need(s) what because why. In other words, “_____ need(s) _________ because________.”

Our family needs a security camera because we want to see how our dog is doing during the day when we’re not home.

Draft of Materials: List equipment needed to complete your project.

  • Raspberry Pi,
  • Raspberry Pi Camera module,
  • Camera cable,
  • MicroUSB power supply,
  • Micro SD card,
  • Wood screws,
  • 1/8" metal plate

Draft of Engineering Methods: The method describes how you will design and test your device to safely complete the project

  1. Follow online directions to assemble Raspberry Pi and camera
  2. Load operating system and camera software
  3. Modify configuration files (maybe custom code with parents assistance)
  4. Connect to monitor to see if running correctly at this point
  5. Connect to WiFi
  6. Configure Router port (parent will do this to ensure it is secure)
  7. Create web landing page. (with help)
  8. Test from web connected device
  9. Stretch goal - Configure recording when motion detector activated

List of three sources of information on your topic, cited in APA format. None of the sources may be encyclopedias.All of the sources must be recent, less than 5 years. If you have a question about a source, please ask before the due date

Results after the project

  1. Follow online directions to assemble Raspberry Pi and camera Raspberry Pi assembly directions
  2. Load operating system and camera software We had a preloaded microSD card with NOOBS.
  3. Modify configuration files (maybe custom code with parents assistance) Security Camera Instructions
  4. Connect to monitor to see if running correctly at this point
  5. Connect to WiFi
  6. Open the terminal and run the unix command to enable the camera
sudo raspi-config
  1. Now we verify that the camera works by running
raspistill -o image.jpg
source ~/.profile 
workon cv
cd Smart-Security-Camera

In the mail.py file (using Python 3.5) use the following:

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Email you want to send the update from (only works with gmail)
fromEmail = 'myemail@gmail.com'
fromEmailPassword = 'password1234'
# Email you want to send the update to
toEmail = 'anotheremail@gmail.com'

email_update_interval = 600 # sends an email only once in this time interval
video_camera = VideoCamera(flip=True) # creates a camera object, flip vertically
object_classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier("models/fullbody_recognition_model.xml") # an opencv classifier

python main.py

You can view a live stream by visiting the ip address of my pi in a browser on the same network. Y can find the ip address of your Raspberry Pi by typing ifconfig in the terminal and looking for the inet address.

Visit :5000 in your browser to view the stream.

Note: To view the live stream on a different network than your Raspberry Pi, you can use ngrok to expose a local tunnel. Once downloaded, run ngrok with ./ngrok http 5000 and visit one of the generated links in your browser.

  1. Install openCV by using this tutorial
  2. Configure Router port (parent will do this to ensure it is secure)
  3. Create web landing page. (with help)
  4. Test from web connected device First, install git: sudo apt-get install git -y

Once that’s installed, go to your home directory and clone the project using:

git clone https://github.com/HackerHouseYT/Smart-Security-Camera

  1. Stretch goal - Configure recording when motion detector activated

Opening the port

Go to Downloads folder